Paper Similarity Check

Paper Similarity Check



Self-Check - SYMSKAN (SYMSKAN文獻相似度檢索服務)

Check the similarity on your own!!

step 1. Create an account

* Must be in THU area network. *

step 2. Upload your paper work

step 3. Get the similarity report




Check similarity with Turnitin

* We can only check with one's own work. *

To create a new account, please click here. Read the description and submit.

step 1. Prepare your paper.

step 2. Submit your paper on turnitin

step 3. Get the similarity report

Please discuss with your advisor.


  1. Check your tmail to activate your account. If not, please check the spam box.
  2. If there is no comfirmation email sent to your tmail in 3 days, please apply again. (And make sure every field be filled correctly.)
  3. Please apply for an account every semester.


Reference desk (1F, Main Library)

08:30~17:00 / mon. - fri.

04-23590121 #28710